Saturday, May 18, 2013

I'm on the mend!

Thank you all for praying!

Yesterday we did a blood test after 5 days of the treatment, and it was negative! So I won't have to continue the last two days!

I should have much of this Quinine out of my system in a few days, and be relatively back to normal.
Thank you so much to everyone who prayed and sent me encouragement. It was a rough experience, but thanks to the prayers of God's People I'm on the mend.

They continued work on the radio tower yesterday. They did finish the tower, but we are going to go back on Tuesday or Thursday and attach the antenna and run wiring, etc.

So please pray for my body to continue to heal, and that the last steps of the radio tower would go smoothly.

Thank you all so much again for praying! We serve an amazing God!



  1. Glad you are feeling better! Good luck on the rest of your trip!! We will pray for you!

  2. We will still pray for you. Glad you are feeling better!
